
As a part of the Excellence in Education Awards evening, NIFDI and McGraw-Hill Education are hosting the second Direct Instruction Community Fair. The fair will be an opportunity for participants to "show and tell" about their application of DI.

The format is simple. First, submit the brief application included in the conference brochure. After review, if the application is selected, we will provide a board for you to display up to a 36x36" poster. There will also be a table in front of the display board where handouts or display material can be placed. Then, as people enjoy the social hour, you can share your story of how DI has impacted your school or district.

Possible topics could include a University program featuring DI teacher prep, a school district showing results attained through DI, a charter school recruitment. Really there is no limit, as long as you can explain through your application how your proposal will be of interest and of benefit to other DI users!

The event will be held Tuesday, July 26th from 5:30-8:00pm at the Hilton Eugene. Applications for participation are available as part of the conference brochure (see page 23) and are due June 1.

For more information about the Eugene conference and other summer trainings, visit us online:

4th Annual Southwest DI Conference and Institute

June 6-9, 2016 San Antonio, Texas

42nd National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes

July 25-29, 2016 Eugene, OregonĀ