
Five years ago Doug Carnine, co-author with Siegfried Engelmann of the landmark text Theory of Instruction, funded the conversion of the book to a digital format. His purpose in funding the conversion was so that the book could be offered electronically via ResearchGate. ResearchGate is a free service available to scientists and researchers and has 17 million members. It connects people doing research in hundreds of fields, including education and human development. Authors can publish their publications, increasing the diffusion of information across a wide range of readers.

A feature of this website is the ability to track how many people have accessed a specific work. We note that Theory of Instruction has been viewed over 20,000 times worldwide. Of particular interest is that the United Kingdom lays claim to the largest group of viewers. This coincides with the growing interest of DI in the UK.

If you don't qualify for a free ResearchGate account you can purchase the book in Kindle or print format from our online store. Thank you, Doug, for your ongoing support for Direct Instruction. We send our congratulations on reaching this milestone!

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