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War Against the Schools' Academic Child Abuse

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Educational fads come and go in the United States, yet countless numbers of children do not succeed in school. The costs to these children, their families, their communities, and the country are enormous. In this book, Engelmann examines the root of the problem. With painstaking detail, he shows how the fault lies with the educational system and all of its players: educational publishers, boards of education, teacher training institutions, school administrators, and funding agencies.

Professor Siegfried Engelmann has, indeed, declared war upon educational practices that literally constitute child abuse.

In this penetrating examination of our public schools, Professor Engelmann vividly explains how irresponsible practices have contributed to the paralysis of our school systems and injury to countless school children for decades. In an age demanding intellectual proficiency the cost to those children - and our nation - is incalculable.

Read War Against the Schools' Academic Child Abuse and join Professor Engelmann in his campaign to protect the future of our children.

Author: Siegfried Engelmann
Copyright: 2021
ISBN: 978-1-939851-27-7
Format: Paperback

Please note: This book is a reprint of the 1992 edition of War Against the Schools’ Academic Child Abuse, originally published by Halcyon House. NIFDI Press has not edited the text. Consequentially, some organizations may no longer exist and individuals may be deceased.

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