Comparing Results from One Year (Cohort) to Another

Consumers often want to know about changes in assessment scores over time. Given the requirements of legislation such as NCLB they want to know if students are doing better now than in previous years. They also often want to know the impact of a new curriculum. What difference does an implementation have on students’ achievement? Would changes be considered educationally important? To answer this question, consumers want to compare the achievement of cohorts with different educational experiences. Click below to see three examples of the use of EIC with this query.

Comparing the Percentage of Students at Benchmark in a School in One Year to the Percentage Four Years Later Click Here 

Comparing the Average Scores of Students in One Cohort to the Average in a Later Cohort Click Here

Comparing the Percentile Rank of the Average Student in One Cohort to the Percentile Rank of the Average Student in a Later Cohort  Click Here