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Research on Direct Instruction: 25 Years Beyond DISTAR

Research on Direct Instruction: 25 Years Beyond DISTAR
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This book presents a description of Direct Instruction and a meta-analysis of research on Direct Instruction. The term "Direct Instruction" refers to instructional programs developed by Siegfried Engelmann and his colleagues, including DISTAR (Direct instruction System for Teaching Arithmetic and Reading) and DISTAR Language (Direct Instruction System for Teaching and Remediation).

Chapters in the book include:

  1. Teaching: The Roots of Direct Instruction Features of DI
  2. Instructional Programs
  3. Myths about Direct Instruction
  4. Background for the DI Meta-Analysis
  5. Results of the DI Meta-Analysis
  6. Project Follow Through
  7. Additional Documentation

Appendices contain a list of Direct Instruction Programs and a list of Direct Instruction articles by category.

Authors: Gary L. Adams and Siegfried Engelmann
Copyright: 1996
ISBN: 0675210143
Format: Paperback

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