
*Please note, we do not sell Spelling Through Morphographs materials. Click on the "Where to Purchase" button below to view purchasing options or click here to find your local DI representative.*

Spelling Through Morphographs is a one-year program designed to teach spelling to older students (4th grade and older). Students learn that words are composed of morphographs, which roughly are prefixes, suffixes, and bases or roots. The program presents rules for combining the morphographs and provides extensive practice in applying these rules. The program uses specific strategies that encourage students to think their way through spelling rather than to memorize weekly word lists. These strategies, combined with repeated practice and application enable students to spell unfamiliar words and to remember familiar words more successfully than they would by using other methods.

Upon completion of the program, students will have learned 750 morphographs and be able to spell between 12,000 and 15,000 words including most words on the complete Dolch word list and words most commonly misspelled in high school an college. The program can be used with regular education students, and can also be used with students with disabilities or students with English as a second language. The more at-risk students will likely need additional practice.

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