
Folder Programs

There are a number of resources and informational pieces available for each program title. In this section, users will find resources for each program, including data collection forms, supplements and standards alignments. For more information on each program, visit the program's homepage (found on the main menu under "The Programs" >Subject Area>Program title).



spreadsheet DI Materials Cost Worksheet Popular

DI Materials Cost Worksheet

The National Institute for Direct Instruction has created a DI Materials Cost Worksheet that will aid administrators and other decision makers in determining program material costs. Constructed as a Microsoft Excel document, simply enter the quantities for each title and component into the worksheet and the total estimated cost is automatically calculated at the bottom of the sheet. This document is updated regularly to reflect current pricing from the publisher, but users need to verify actual pricing from the publisher or through their sales representative. NIFDI does not sell programs directly and recommends this worksheet as a tool for estimating only.

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