
Dr Kerry Hempenstall, Senior Industry Fellow, School of Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Each of my articles can be downloaded as a PDF file at https://tinyurl.com/y6vat4ut


The systematic explicit approach to literacy: What does it mean? 

Presentation at ResearchED Conference, Shore School North Sydney 

‘The systematic, explicit approach to literacy is a teaching method that involves breaking lessons into manageable steps that progress from simple to more complex concepts and skills. It also involves teachers clearly showing students what to do and how to do it.” (Al Overview)



Corrective Reading Lecture 

“The accompanying video is of an introductory session with these postgraduate students that discusses the Corrective Reading program, and how it may be used successfully as a one-to-one program.”

Five From Five launch: Dr Kerry Hempenstall - YouTube


Intro to Corrective Reading for Clinic Students

“The RMIT Psychology Clinic provided training to its Masters and Doctoral students in assisting parents to teach their own children the basic skill areas of reading, spelling, writing, and maths. The Clinic received many referrals over 20 years from parents concerned about their child's educational progress. The RMIT postgraduate students were trained to assess the presenting problem, and to introduce parents to the appropriate program to address the expressed need. The parents were then trained, and their progress monitored regularly via the CRP Monitor Sheet and Tutor Monitoring Form. For more detail of this process, visit the National Institute for Direct Instruction online.”



Five from Five launch: 

“The Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) promotes free choice and individual liberty, and defends cultural freedom and the open exchange of ideas. CIS encourages debate among leading academics, politicians, media and the public. We aim to make sure good policy ideas are heard and seriously considered so that Australia can continue to prosper into the future.”

My program is available on speech and print: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko0a2xs0Ypg

What is 'Response to Intervention' (RTI)?

“Response to intervention (RTI) aims to identify struggling students early on and give them the support they need to thrive in school. The word intervention is key to understanding what RTI is all about. The goal is for the school to intervene, or step in, and start helping before a student falls really far behind.” (Morin, A)



Further information on the Response to Intervention Model RTI 0001 Joined

“A brief history of the development of RTI as a method for the identification of, and intervention in, learning disabilities. The video presents an introduction to the RTI framework and its application in regular and special education.”



Response to Intervention: An alternative to Reading Recovery. 

LDA Research Symposium: "Beyond Reading Recovery -- What works best?" University of Melbourne Hawthorn Campus,

“Despite accumulating evidence that Reading Recovery is not an effective program for helping struggling readers, it remains as one of the most widely used reading intervention program throughout the English-speaking world.  It has its origin in the whole language approach to the teaching of reading, with its emphasis on a meaning-based rather than a skills-based approach to the teaching of initial reading.  This symposium will look at the history of the development of Reading Recovery, why it has dominated approaches to reading intervention for struggling readers despite its limitations, the various attempts to modify the program to make it more effective, and alternative approaches to intervention that are both more effective and more cost-effective.” 



Confluence: Commonalities across literacy reports from USA, Great Britain, and Australia

Keynote presentation at the Effective Teaching Conference, Melbourne.

“Basing educational decisions upon research findings has not been the norm in these countries, and resistance to change remains a stumbling block to the achievement of the reports' goals. A study of the three reports reveals a number of similarities in the recommendations, a result that might be considered unsurprising since all three have a strong empirical basis. However, that the interpretation of the empirical research findings is similar across all three adds weight to the recommendations of the individual reports. The similarities and shades of difference will be described in this presentation.”





Five from Five launch

“Why should education embrace research? The professions and the industry fields displaying great growth over the last century, such as medicine, psychology, transportation, agriculture, emergency services and aviation – have been those embracing research as the prime determinant of practice.”



How evidence-based are we?

Educational issues addressed briefly.


Why Steven Dykstra loves Kerry.

(Oh, dear!)


Direct instruction in education.



I hope my work turns out to be of some usefulness!

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