
Workshops on Literacy

Over many years I have sought a multitude of topics to help me write papers on relevant journal papers. This material is a collection of research focused on literacy as a most important topic in mine and others interest.

Issues on Teaching Special Students

“A child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behaviour.” (NiDirect Government Government Services, https://www.nidirect.gov.uk) For the range of articles, click here

Various Education Journal Articles can be valuable in finding and assisting educational value. View the articles here

Using Literacy Quotes Effectively

We want to be confident that we are employing valuable strategies in the teaching of our special children. Having good access to that resource also allows us to justify our teaching manner, and feel comfortable among other practitioners in our field. View this resource here

Australian Literacy Quotes

An amount of theory and practice within the Australian literacy education system is collated. Being largely about a somewhat older phase of education in Australia (and a few NZ), it’s interesting in comparison of today’s with past issues. It also invites comparing concepts from Australia and those from the International. View here

Behaviour Issues in Education

In working with student academic progress, behaviour can play a role in the success of some students.

It is a broad field, and this one addresses various issues, such as how teachers may address student behaviour with such fields as classroom rules, behaviour management strategies, assistance issues, how parents can help, and other domains. Of course, relevant teacher behaviour can aid student progress. View here.

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a controversial beginning reading method. This addresses some of the various issues covered over the years. 

Spelling Mastery

I’ve added a more specific spelling topic to my list. This one is specifically addressed at a Direct Instruction spelling sequence known as Spelling Mastery. It can be found here

Additionally, a general, wider file on spelling research can be found here.

Earlier Literacy Articles by Kerry can be viewed here

A Wide Range of Stuff can be found here

Hot Literature Topics. Numerous articles I've found useful can be found here 

Memories of great researcher Barak Rosenshine (1930-2017)

He was an influential literacy researcher who I found very useful. View the document pdf here


It may be of interest to look at some of the issues raised in the past on NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy). View here.

Issues in Education Research

Some of the issues relevant to individuals who are interested in evaluating whether research design can justify the conclusions. See the information here.

Writing role in literacy

What is the relationship between literacy and writing?

“Writing and literacy are skills that depend on each other for improvement. Writing practice offers a better understanding of language structure, which enhances literacy. Reading offers the exposure to linguistic understanding, a skill that improves our ability to communicate through our writing.”

"The Relationship Between Writing & Literacy." Study.com. September 7, 2016.

See my article here.

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