
Screen Shot 2014-08-28 at 4.23.24 PMIn addition to developing highly effective instructional programs, Siegfried Engelmann has written extensively about learning and education, providing extraordinary insight into the theoretical and philosophical basis of DI as well as the world of education as a whole. A new book by NIFDI Press, Engelmann's Direct Instruction: Selected Writings from the Past Half Century, brings together, for the first time, a selection of these articles, illustrating the wide variety of topics Engelmann has explored over the last half century and his unique insights into problems within the world of education.  

Four key themes of Engelmann's work are highlighted:
1. His theoretical understanding of learning and instruction,
2. The development of the highly effective Direct Instruction curricular material,
3. The need for political reform in the organization and orientation of education, and
4. Responses to critics and political roadblocks to the development of effective instruction.

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