
SE EngelmannNIFDI notes that it has been two years since Siegfried "Zig" Engelmann passed away in Eugene, Oregon. Zig is recognized as the inventor of Direct Instruction. His genius in task analysis and sequencing instruction to attain mastery is unparalleled. Aside from the 50+ instructional programs of which he is the senior author, his pioneering work forms the foundation for much of what today is considered research-based or evidence-based instruction.

NIFDI's website has an excellent resource for learning more about Zig's life and contributions to education. There, you will find links to a video of the memorial service held in 2019, an interview with Zig, a documentary about him, and many other interesting videos and print articles.

We miss him greatly and remain dedicated to his legacy of ensuring that all learners are given the opportunity to succeed.

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