
(Formerly DVD Training Series: Reading Mastery I, II & III)

  1. Personal DI Intro
  2. Early DI
  3. Follow Through Project
  4. Testimonials
  5. Philosophy and Structure
  6. Teacher's Role
  7. Using theses DVDs

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  1. Materials
  2. Sounds
  3. Blending
  4. Placement
  5. Grouping
  6. Scheduling & Mastery Teaching
  7. Positive Learning Environment
  8. Corrections

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  1. Training Preview
  2. Pronunciation - Signals
  3. Pronunciation - Correcting Signal Violations
  4. Pronunciation - Corrections
  5. Say the Sounds - Signals
  6. Say the Sounds - Monitoring & Corrections
  7. Say the Sounds - Putting it All Together
  8. Say It Fast - Signals
  9. Say It Fast - Corrections

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  1. Say the Sounds, Say It Fast - Signals
  2. Say the Sounds, Say It Fast - Corrections
  3. Sounds, Symbol Identification - Overview
  4. Continuous Sounds - Signals
  5. Continuous Sounds - Correcting Signal Violations
  6. Continuous Sounds - Sounds Firm-up
  7. Continuous Sounds - Sounds Firm-up Corrections
  8. Cross-out Game, Buffer Activities
  9. Sequencing Games - Signals
  10. Sequencing Games - Corrections
  11. Workbook - Management Techniques
  12. Workbook - Sounds
  13. Workbook - Sounds Writing

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  1. Classroom Management
  2. Demonstration Lesson - Teacher Presentation Part 1
  3. Demonstration Lesson - Teacher Presentation Part 2
  4. Demonstration Lesson - Teacher Presentation Part 3
  5. Demonstration Lesson - Worksheet Part 1
  6. Demonstration Lesson - Worksheet Part 2
  7. Lesson Preparation

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  1. Sounds - Review
  2. Point Game - Sounds
  3. Point Game - Any Format
  4. Sounding Out - Signals
  5. Sounding Out - Monitoring
  6. Sounding Out - Putting It All Together
  7. Sounding Out - Corrections
  8. Sounding Out - Individual Turns
  9. Sounding Out - Workbook Part 1
  10. Sounding Out - Workbook Part 1 Corrections
  11. Sounding Out - Workbook Part 2
  12. Sounding Out - Workbook Part 2 Corrections
  13. Sounding Out - Workbook Part 3
  14. Say It Fast - Rhyming - Signals
  15. Say It Fast - Rhyming - Corrections
  16. Say It Fast - Rhyming Variation - Signals
  17. Say It Fast - Rhyming Variation - Corrections
  18. Workbook - Pair Relations
  19. Mastery Tests

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  1. Regrouping
  2. Sounding Out - Word Reading
  3. Sounding Out - Word Reading - Corrections
  4. Sounding Out - Word Reading - Signal Precautions, Monitoring Techniques
  5. Sounding Out - Additional Formats
  6. Sounding Out - Additional Formats - Corrections
  7. Sounding Out - Workbook
  8. Sounding Out - Workbook - Corrections
  9. Rhyming - Signals
  10. Rhyming - Corrections
  11. Sounds - Cross-out Game Variation
  12. Reinforcement
  13. Firming, Acceleration
  14. Pronunciation, Sounds, Symbol Identification
  15. Sounds - New Signal
  16. Sounding Out - Word Lists
  17. Sounding Out - Word Lists - First-Time Performance
  18. Sounding Out - Word Lists - Corrections
  19. High Utility Words
  20. Rhyming Words- Continuous First Sound
  21. Rhyming Words - Continuous First Sound - Corrections
  22. Rhyming Words - Stop Sound First
  23. Rhyming Words - Stop Sound First - Corrections
  24. Sounding Out - Workbook
  25. Sounding Out - Workbook - Individual Test
  26. Sounding Out - Workbook - Individual Test Corrections
  27. Workbook - Teacher Reads the Fast Way and Picture Comprehension
  28. Workbook - Group Story Reading
  29. Workbook - Group Story Reading - Corrections
  30. Workbook - Additional Exercises
  31. Spelling

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  1. Sounds, Symbol Identification
  2. Word Lists
  3. Word Lists - Motivation & Firming
  4. Words Beginning with Stop Sounds - Signals
  5. Words Beginning with Stop Sounds - Corrections
  6. Words Beginning with Stop Sounds - New Format
  7. Reading the Fast Way
  8. Reading the Fast Way - Story Reading
  9. Teacher and Children Read the Fast Way
  10. Word Finding
  11. Word Finding - Corrections
  12. Two-line Stories
  13. Two-line Stories - Corrections
  14. Reading the Fast Way - More Transition Activities
  15. Practice Stories
  16. Sounds, Symbol Identification
  17. Word Attack
  18. Reading the Word in the Box - Signals & Corrections
  19. Firming Word Lists
  20. Story Reading - Words That Begin with Stop Sounds - Signals
  21. Story Reading - Words That Begin with Stop Sounds - Corrections
  22. Workbook - Full Demonstration
  23. Pair Relations
  24. Sounds, Symbol Identification
  25. Word Lists
  26. Word Lists - Corrections
  27. Word Lists - Individual Turns
  28. First Story Reading
  29. Second Story Reading
  30. Read the First Sentence the Fast Way
  31. Read the First Sentence the Fast Way - Corrections
  32. Read the First Sentence the Fast Way - Individual Turns
  33. Library Series

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  1. Planning Pages
  2. Sounds, Symbols Identification, Firming
  3. Irregular Words - First Format
  4. Irregular Words - First Format - Corrections
  5. Irregular Words - Second Format
  6. Story Reading
  7. Storybook
  8. Reasoning & Writing
  9. Sounds, Symbol Identification, Firming
  10. Word Lists - Reading the Fast Way
  11. Irregular Words
  12. Bonus Stories
  13. Story Reading - Quotation Finding
  14. Story Reading - Individual Turns
  15. Correcting Drony Responses, Sentence Saying
  16. Question Mark Finding

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  1. Sounds, Symbol Identification
  2. Word Lists - Reading the Fast Way
  3. Irregular Words
  4. Reading the Fast Way - Precorrections
  5. Reading the Fast Way - Corrections
  6. Story Reading
  7. Story Reading - Precorrections
  8. Story Reading - Firming Error Words
  9. Story Reading - Individual Turns
  10. Story Reading - Second Reading
  11. Story Reading
  12. Individual Checkouts for Rate and Accuracy
  13. Remediation and Firming
  14. Acceleration
  15. Workbook
  16. Point Systems
  17. Sounds, Symbol Identification, Firming
  18. Irregular Words
  19. Story Reading
  20. Building Accuracy and Fluency
  21. Read the Items
  22. Closing

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  1. Personal DI Intro
  2. Early DI
  3. Follow Through Project
  4. Testimonials
  5. Philosophy and Structure
  6. Teacher's Role
  7. Using these DVDs
  8. DI Programs

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  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Initial Placement Testing
  4. Grouping
  5. Scheduling
  6. Teaching Prerequisites
  7. The RM Sound/Symbol
  8. Teaching Students Blending
  9. Overview of Signals
  10. Teaching Sound/Symbol
  11. Varying Think Time
  12. Getting On-Signal Responses
  13. Practice Hearing Errors
  14. Correcting Errors

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  1. Introduction
  2. Teaching Sounding Out 
  3. Stop Sounds
  4. Mixed Sounding Out
  5. Getting On-Signal Responses
  6. Correcting Academic Errors
  7. Teaching Irregular Words
  8. Correcting Irregular Words
  9. Reading the Fast Way
  10. Correcting Regular Words
  11. Correcting Irregular Words
  12. Part Firming Lists
  13. Individual Turns: Lists
  14. Positive Learning Environment
  15. Raising Academic Expectations
  16. Motivation Behavior Game
  17. Pre-Correcting Predictable Errors
  18. Story Reading
  19. Firming Story Reading
  20. Individual Reading

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  1. Sounds Firm-up
  2. Sounds Assessment and Remediation
  3. Sounding Out
  4. Last-Part, First-Part
  5. Sounds Combinations
  6. Reading Words the Fast Way
  7. Individual Tests
  8. Irregular Words
  9. Reading Hard Words
  10. Two-Part Words
  11. Story Reading
  12. Comprehension
  13. Comprehension - Corrections
  14. Facilitating Comprehension
  15. In-Program Tests
  16. Read the Items
  17. Workbook
  18. Spelling
  19. Lesson Preparation

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  1. Letter Names - Vowels
  2. Final-e Rule
  3. Final-e Rule - Long-Vowel Words, Short-Vowel Words
  4. Final-e Rule - Read the Fast Way
  5. Sound Combinations
  6. Joined Letters
  7. Story Reading
  8. Story Reading - Zig on Rule Application
  9. Reading with Expression
  10. Workbook
  11. Acceleration
  12. Letter Names and Capital Letters
  13. Spelling by Letter Names
  14. Words with Underlined Parts
  15. Words with Long or Short Vowels with Endings
  16. Read the Items
  17. Story Reading
  18. Workbook - Picture Deductions
  19. Workbook - Story - Items Review
  20. Workbook - Story - Items
  21. Workcheck and Motivation
  22. The "Rule" Stories

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  1. Introduction of DVD
  2. Program Overview
  3. General Teaching Techniques
  4. Word Attack
  5. New Word Exercise
  6. Correction and Firming
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Individual Turns
  9. Comprehension Passage
  10. Passage Decoding Errors
  11. Story Reading
  12. Completing Story Reading
  13. Story Reading Questions & Answers
  14. Comprehension Errors
  15. Individual Check-Outs
  16. Workbook Applications
  17. Workcheck
  18. Fact Games

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