
*Please note, we do not sell Corrective Reading materials. Click on the "Where to Purchase" button below to view purchasing options or click here to find your local DI representative.*

Corrective Reading is a powerful Direct Instruction remedial reading series that solves a wide range of problems for struggling older readers, even if they have failed with other approaches. Explicit, step-by-step lessons are organized around two major strands, Decoding and Comprehension, which may be used separately or together to customize instruction for particular student needs. Each strand of Corrective Reading has four levels that teach foundation skills for non-readers to seventh-grade-level material – potentially all in about 2 1/2 years.

Corrective Reading is typically taught to students in grades 4 and above whose reading is characterized by misidentified words, confusion of similar words, word omissions or insertions, lack of attention to punctuation, and poor comprehension. It is effective with students who have poor attention, poor recall of directions, or who meet criteria to receive special services. With a high success rate, frequent teacher feedback, and built-in opportunities to earn reinforcement throughout each lesson, even students with histories of failure remain motivated and on task.

Decoding lessons range from instruction in letter sounds and blending to the reading of sophisticated passages such as those found in content-area textbooks.  Comprehension skills covered range from simple classification and true-false identification to complex analogies, analyses, and inferential comprehension strategies. With progress through each level, students read increasingly more difficult material with accuracy, fluency, solid comprehension and improved study skills. The program is ideally complemented with the Expressive Writing or Reasoning and Writing Direct Instruction programs.

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