
Parents are often interested in how they can obtain teaching materials for programs in the Direct Instruction family of programs. With the exception of three programs - Funnix Reading, Funnix Math and Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons - DI programs are produced for and sold only to the school market. This doesn't mean parents aren't able to access or utilize the materials, only that they won't be able to purchase it from the publisher. 

For older programs, obtaining materials is a little easier. Often times, used book sellers and online retailers, such as Amazon.com, will have used copies of DI program materials. Some have also had success purchasing programs through online auction sites. Another great resource for searching for used materials for sale is the DI-list. The DI-list, hosted by the University of Oregon, has a few hundred subscribers, including school officials, parents, researchers and other DI-minded individuals. Sometimes, schools, districts and others will post used materials for sale. The prices on these materials are generally very reasonable.

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