
Folder Reading Mastery Signature Edition


Folder Independent Work Percentage Charts

The charts in this section give the percentages for the independent work that students do in Signature Reading Mastery 2 – 5. The charts list the lesson number, the total number of items possible for each lesson and the percentage correct. The charts can be used for grading and to provide an accurate record of student performance.

Folder Placement Testing

Placement Tests are provided by McGraw-Hill Education as a courtesy to users of Direct Instruction materials. All rights reserved.

Folder Sample Lessons

Sample lessons are courtesy of McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

Folder Student Test Summary (STS) Forms

Student Test Summary (STS) forms are a program-specific form that teachers use to record students' mastery data from in-program tests or reading checkouts. Once summarized on the form, the data are reviewed and monitored for making instructional decisions.


default Pronunciation Guide for Reading Mastery (Courtesy of Angus Lloyd Associates) Popular

Hear the sounds introduced in Reading Mastery using this online tool. The chart also lists what lesson the sound is introduced in Reading Mastery Fast Cycle.

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