
The support materials below are available to the general public.  However, access to the videos is restricted to NIFDI partners unless purchased through the NIFDI Store. NIFDI partners should contact their NIFDI implementation manager for the current password or email training@nifdi.org. Once you have the password, click on one of the green titles below. Then use one of the options listed below to access a video.

These video in-services are designed to support school leaders in charge of managing Direct Instruction (DI) implementations. Through the guidance of the videos, participants will view demonstrations and receive information by expert DI trainers. Participants will also practice the skills being taught and receive feedback from the on-site facilitator, who will follow a facilitator’s guide. In addition, these video in-services will provide a model for district and building-level coaches, APIs (assistant principals of instruction) and building coordinators on how to sequence examples and focus on critical issues when training, as well as demonstrate the type of activities to include that promote mastery of the targeted skills.

Option one is to download the video to a computer for off-line viewing.  After you type in the password, click on the download button on the lower right of the screen and select HD720P. Allow up to five minutes for the video to completely download to the computer. This option is recommended for all users to ensure that the videos can be viewed without interruption due to a slow Internet connection.

Option two is to view the video directly from the web via online streaming. Simply click the link and then type in the password. This option is only recommended for schools with very reliable and quick Internet connections.

Be advised that NIFDI will change the password every August.

If you are not currently a NIFDI partner, but are interested in exploring how NIFDI can help your school, contact info@nifdi.org

Critical Phrasing Video In-Service

When delivering instruction, the pausing and punching of key words to convey new skills and content is an integral component of effective instruction.  Emphasizing a critical phrase or word helps students focus on the pivotal part of the presentation. This video in-service incorporates a series of activities that provide systematic practice on using the pause and punch strategy when teaching a variety of DI lessons.

Run Time: 21:31
Total In-service Time: Approximately 60:00-65:00
Participant Material:
Facilitator Support Material:

How to Correct Discrimination Errors, Volume 1, Video In-Service

All students make errors. The errors students make provide important information about what they know and what they have yet to master. How an instructor responds to an error is critical. In fact, the major difference between the instructor who teaches most of her students and the instructor who successfully teaches all of her students is the ability to correct each and every error as it occurs. Thus, correcting all errors is an important part of teaching to mastery. This video in-service provides practice with effectively applying the full, seven-step error correction procedure to discrimination errors.

Run Time: 45:00
Total In-service Time: Approximately 84:00-96:00
Participant Material:
Facilitator Support Material:

How to Correct Discrimination Errors, Volume 2, Video In-Service

An important aspect of correcting errors is to identify “the part” of the exercise that a task belongs to. If a teacher can identify “the part” quickly, she can make a seamless error correction.  If a teacher has difficulty identifying “the part”, the error correction can confuse students and lead to a loss of student’s attention. Dissecting an exercise in a DI lesson to locate the parts can sometimes feel like a daunting task. This video in-service provides information and practice on how to identify the parts. 

Run Time: 25:38
Total In-service Time: Approximately 96 minutes
Participant Material:
Facilitator Support Material:

Error Corrections, Volume 3: How to Correct Signal Violations

The purpose of a signal is to prompt students to answer simultaneously as a group. These choral responses actively engage all students which increases efficiency and allows many more opportunities for the instructor to assess mastery. Choral responses also reduce the likelihood of behavior problems.

A signal violation (i.e., behavioral error) occurs when students answer before or after the signal, do not answer at all or answer in a loud and/or draggy manner. If an instructor accepts these types of responses, the instructor will have to resort to giving many individual turns to assess the mastery levels of each student in the group.  Thus, correcting all types of errors is an essential part of teaching to mastery.  This video in-service provides practice in identifying and then correcting signal violations.

Run Time: 47:08
Total In-service Time: Approximately 115:00-130:00
Participant Material:
Facilitator Support Material:

Thermometer Chart Video In-Service

When students are working independently in the classroom, it is important that they stay engaged with their work and are motivated to do their best. In many classrooms, an adult might not be available to devote his/her attention to independent workers. NIFDI’s Thermometer Chart is an independent work management system that does not require much attention from instructors, yet when implemented correctly, is very reinforcing to the students. The Thermometer Chart Video In-service provides comprehensive instruction on how to implement this positive behavior management system effectively. 

Run Time: 20:30
Total In-service Time: Approximately 25:00
Participant Material:
Facilitator Support Material:

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