
News from NIFDI

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Marcy Stein, professor emeritus from the University of Washington, Tacoma, was interviewed about her firsthand experience with Direct Instruction (DI) and Project Follow Through—the world’s largest educational experiment. Despite showing DI’s effectiveness with at-risk students, the results were largely ignored.

Marcy shares insights into the origins of DI and its instructional design and emphasizes that it’s effective for all students, not just those struggling academically. She also addresses common misconceptions, walks through a typical DI math lesson, and gives advice on how to bridge skill gaps in the classroom. This episode unpacks the story of Project Follow Through and the ongoing fight for evidence-based education. Click here to listen to this informative interview.

An important feature of successful Direct Instruction implementations is to celebrate success—the success of students, teachers, and entire schools. Each year, we recognize individuals and schools that have made a significant difference in the educational performance of children through the following awards:

  • The Carnine-McRoberts Student Improvement Award – This award honors the parents of Doug and Linda Carnine. It is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding improvement, academic or behavioral. Teachers submit nominations. The winner, selected by Doug and Linda Carnine, will be presented with a plaque and $1,000. The winner's school will also receive $1,000.
  • Siegfried Engelmann Excellence in Education Award – This award is named after Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann, co-creator of Direct Instruction, senior author of the DI programs, and founder of NIFDI. The recipient of this award can be anyone – a teacher, paraprofessional, administrator, college professor, etc. – who has provided a significant contribution to the field of education and/or student achievement.
  • Wes Becker Excellent School Award – This award is named after Wesley Becker, co-creator of Direct Instruction and longtime Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Oregon. This award is given to a school for exemplary implementation of Direct Instruction.

Please take the opportunity to honor a member of the DI “family.” The nomination process is simple and means so much to the individuals and our profession. Please identify and nominate a colleague and/or school that has made a difference. Nomination applications are short (1-2 pages) and are due in our office by June 3rd. Download the  pdf application packet today or click the award titles above to complete the online applications.


Plan on being in Eugene, Oregon, July 21-25, 2025, to attend the 51st National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes. We are planning an amazing week of training and special events this year.

Since 1974, educators from around the world have gathered in Eugene each year to attend what is regarded as the most comprehensive DI training available. We are excited to host Dr. Jan Hasbrouck as our featured keynote speaker this year. Jan has a long history with Direct Instruction, having received her B.A. and M.A. at the University of Oregon. She is the author and co-author of several books and instructional programs.

We are featuring several new offerings this year, including a 4-day institute designed for higher-education instructors on how to incorporate DI into their teacher preparation courses.

  pdf Download the brochure for complete session descriptions and register online here!

NIFDI and The Knowledge Hub recently received news that a grant for implementing Expressive Writing in England has been approved by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). The EEF is a UK-based organization that supports research on evidence-based resources and is the largest funder of school research in the UK.

The grant will support the implementation of Expressive Writing in 8-12 schools in England, starting September 2025. The grant will focus on students in Year 7 (6th grade). If you are in England and you are interested in implementing the program with students in Year 7, contact Loraine Lynch-Kelly <info@knowledgehub.org.uk>. Participating schools will need to provide instruction to students who qualify for the program for at least 45 minutes per day for 55 lessons. Other requirements will be outlined at a later date.

If you are interested in piloting the program, but you are located outside of England, or you are located in England but the target student population is outside of Year 7, contact info@nifdi.org. NIFDI would be happy to discuss with you how an implementation of Expressive Writing can help your students become fluent, clear, and organized writers. Click here for more information on the program.

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