
News from NIFDI

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Join veteran trainer Tamara Bressi on December 14 & 15 for NIFDI's popular academy– Analyzing Data, Classroom Observations & Providing Feedback. This two-day training at the Cambria Hotel Orlando Airport is designed for instructional coaches, peer coaches, and others responsible for observing instruction and improving student performance.

Through demonstrations, practice, and hands-on activities, participants will learn how to:
Gain meaningful information from lesson progress and in-program mastery data.
Model how to improve written records.
Conduct supportive classroom observations and demonstrations aimed at increasing student success.
Provide effective oral and written feedback to instructors to directly impact student performance.
Conduct classroom demonstrations, in-class coaching, and team teaching.
Design and deliver effective, ongoing professional development sessions. 
A description and registration information is available here. You can also contact Bryan Wickman, NIFDI's Outreach Events Coordinator, at 1.877.485.1973 or by email at bwickman@nifdi.org with questions or for more information

TarverWe are sad to report that Dr. Sara Tarver passed away on Monday, October 16.

Sara was a longtime advocate for Direct Instruction. Her work as a researcher and teacher educator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison influenced the lives of hundreds of future educators. In 1985, she was central in the formation of the Wisconsin Association for Direct Instruction and helped facilitate the Wisconsin Direct Instruction conference for many years.

Click here for her full obituary. As you will read, she led a rich life and gave her all professionally. She was a fierce advocate for the right for children to be taught with effective instructional practices.

NIFDI is gathering testimonials and tributes to Sara to place on our website as a lasting tribute to her work. Please send us any remembrances, tributes, links to, or copies of her work to info@nifdi.org.

DIReadingIn a recent meeting of researchers, teacher educators, and experienced elementary educators, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) gave Direct Instruction Reading by Doug Carnine, Jerry Silbert, Ed Kame’enui, Tim Slocum, and Patricia Travers a rating of Exemplary. The panel of experts examines how well material aligns with scientifically based reading instruction. In popularity, DI Reading is number 94 out of over 1100 reviewed materials. With the current groundswell of interest in the science of reading, we hope to see more instructors adopting DI Reading in their coursework.

Click here to read the full review.

For over 25 years, the National Institute for Direct Instruction has supported schools' efforts to give students the best opportunity for success and develop teachers' skills to utilize the finest tools for ensuring that success. We would like to remind you that donations to NIFDI may be tax-deductible. By making your charitable donation to NIFDI, a 501 (c(3)) non-profit organization, you can help us impact the lives of more children. You can even select the program area(s) you want your donation to support:

  • Research - Conducting, promoting, and disseminating research on Direct Instruction and its implementation.
  • Training and Coaching - Providing on-site training and coaching to schools, as well as open-registration training events.
  • Educational Outreach - Offering videos, articles, and other tools and materials to promote the effective use of Direct Instruction.

You can donate online or download a donation form by pdf clicking here . If you have questions about donating to NIFDI, contact Bryan Wickman at 877.485.1973 or bwickman@nifdi.org.

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