NIFDI and The Knowledge Hub recently received news that a grant for implementing Expressive Writing in England has been approved by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). The EEF is a UK-based organization that supports research on evidence-based resources and is the largest funder of school research in the UK.
The grant will support the implementation of Expressive Writing in 8-12 schools in England, starting September 2025. The grant will focus on students in Year 7 (6th grade). If you are in England and you are interested in implementing the program with students in Year 7, contact Loraine Lynch-Kelly <>. Participating schools will need to provide instruction to students who qualify for the program for at least 45 minutes per day for 55 lessons. Other requirements will be outlined at a later date.
If you are interested in piloting the program, but you are located outside of England, or you are located in England but the target student population is outside of Year 7, contact NIFDI would be happy to discuss with you how an implementation of Expressive Writing can help your students become fluent, clear, and organized writers. Click here for more information on the program.