
Podcast Banner updated
The National Institute for Direct Instruction is proud to sponsor a podcast series. Hosted by educator and parent Dr. Zach Groshell, the series features interviews with trainers, authors, researchers, and others who give their insights on various aspects of DI. Each podcast runs just over an hour.

Episode 1: What is Direct Instruction? 
Guests: Kurt Engelmann and Bryan Wickman

Episode 2: What Was Project Follow Through?
Guests: Linda Carnine, Susie Andrist, and Jerry Silbert

Episode 3: How Effective is Direct Instruction?
Guest: Jean Stockard

Episode 4: What is Direct Instruction Mathematics?
Guests: Marcy Stein and Bernadette Kelly

Episode 5: How Has DI Impacted Reading Proficiency in Indigenous Communities?
Guest: Casey Sovo

Episode 6: What are the components of an effective DI implementation? 
Guest: Tamara Bressi

Episode 7: How Can Higher Education Better Prepare Future Educators? 
Guest: Kathy Madigan

Episode 8: How Does Fluency and Direct Instruction Improve Literacy Outcomes?
Guest: Dr. Jan Hasbrouck

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