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Essentials for Algebra is designed for students in middle school or high school who are at risk of failing to meet graduation requirements in math. The program teaches pre-algebra and introduces Algebra I content. The program focuses on providing a solid foundation for a traditional Algebra I course and other topics presented in math exams. Students learn about exponents, rate equations, signed-number multiplication, geometry, function tables, fractions, story problems and other topics. Essentials for Algebra enables students to translate a wide range of problem types into algebraic equations.
The program is comprised of 118 lessons with 11 in-program preparation tests. The first 15 lessons of the program teach and review basic math skills, including:
- Short Division
- Rounding Decimals
- Decimal Operations
- Fraction Operations
- Fraction Decimal & Percent Equivalences
- Geometry
Lessons are designed for presentation to an entire class. Approximately 60 minutes of instructional time per lesson should be dedicated at the middle school level with an additional 45 minutes - 1 hour of independent work (homework). High school students receiving the program as an intervention require 90 minutes of instructional time plus an additional 10-20 minutes for independent work/homework.