
Over 40 years of research have documented the efficacy of Direct Instruction programs. The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) maintains an Office of Research and Evaluation to compile and expand this research. Its mission includes:

  • Cataloguing and analyzing the literature on Direct Instruction. The research office has developed an extensive bibliography of scholarly writings regarding the development, testing, efficacy, and use of Direct Instruction materials. Many of the items in the bibliography are abstracted and indexed in an online searchable database.

  • Conducting original research on the effectiveness of Direct Instruction programs. The research staff conducts original research in a variety of communities, with different student populations, and on varied DI curricula. The results are published in peer-reviewed journals and in technical reports.

  • Conducting research on how the NIFDI model can help students and teachers have the greatest possible success. The research staff also conducts original research on factors that can help schools and teachers implement the programs with the greatest fidelity and thus promote the highest rates of achievement.

  • Working with schools and individual researchers to help broaden the base of DI-related research. NIFDI maintains a directory of scholars who are active in research on DI and promotes the development of emerging scholars in the field through a fellowship program. NIFDI also works with schools to study the impact of DI on the achievement of their own students.

  • Examining reviews of DI programs by other research organizations. In recent years numerous organizations have developed reports on the efficacy of various educational programs. Unfortunately, these reports have varied greatly in quality and accuracy. NIFDI’s research office examines their conclusions and documents errors as they occur.

NIFDI’s research office complies fully with the federally established guidelines for the protection of human subjects. For instance, reports of research never identify students or teachers by name. Schools are identified only with permission. Only qualified research staff members may access data. For more information on NIFDI's compliance with Human Subjects Requirements, please contact the Office of Research for a copy of NIFDI's Board Policies and Procedures.

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