Reading Mastery Transformations (RMT) is the most recent version of the flagship Direct Instruction program, Reading Mastery. The six-level program places particular emphasis on teaching thinking skills and helping students acquire background knowledge. Program materials include fully scripted lessons to guide teachers through carefully constructed instructional steps - modeling new content, providing guided practice, offering individualized practice, and applying skills. Veteran users of Reading Mastery will note that this new version utilizes the instructional sequence from the Horizons Reading Program instead of the previous modified orthography found in the older versions of the program. Perhaps the biggest change brought to all levels of this revision is the teacher presentation, and display material is all digital.
Author Interviews
Reading Mastery Transformations, Reading Strand Grades K and 1
Owen Engelmann, co-author of RMT Levels K and 1 Reading, describes how and why the first two levels of Transformations reading incorporate the instructional sequence used in the Horizons reading program.
Reading Mastery Transformations, Language Strand Grades K and 1
Evan Haney, co-author of RMT Levels K and 1 Language, describes the new features of the Language strand and some insights into the Engelmann-Becker co-author apprentice program.
Reading Mastery Transformations, Reading Strand Grades 2 and 3
Veteran Direct Instruction author Susie Andrist describes her involvement in Direct Instruction and the changes made in the Grades 2 and 3 Reading programs. She notes that while many of the classic stories have been retained, there are also many new stories and updated informational passages in this new edition.
Reading Mastery Transformations, Language Strand Grades 2 and 3
This interview with Bernie Kelly highlights the revised content of the Grades 2 and 3 Language programs. She explains how she and senior program author Siegfried "Zig" Engelmann designed some very clever sequences to meet the Common Core State Standards in a meaningful way.
Reading Mastery Transformations Reading Strand Grades 4 and 5
Reading Mastery Transformations Language Strand Grades 4 and 5
This interview with Bonnie Grossen highlights the revised content of the Grades 4 and 5 Language programs. She gives insights into the increased variety of writing development in the new versions of the programs.Sample Lessons