For 30 years, The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) has partnered with schools around the world to improve the lives of all students. Please help us make a difference by donating during this season of Thanksgiving. In the past 2 weeks, generous donors have given over $4,000 towards our goal of $10,000. These funds will be used to defray the costs to implement DI with fidelity for schools like these:
- A very rural tribal K-12 school in Cass County, Minnesota. The staff serves 213 Native American students. In 2021-22, 88% of students were below or well below BIE English Language Proficiency Standards. The school has recently implemented DI as its core English Language Arts program and partnered with NIFDI to improve student performance.
- A school in Southern Louisiana with 614 PK-5 students. At this school, 71% of students scored below the proficient level for reading. NIFDI is partnering to support staff in an intervention model for identified students.
Please donate today and help make a difference in the lives of children! Click here if you would like to donate by check.