BeckerMarch 17 is notable in the DI community for something other than eating corned beef and cabbage or drinking green beers. It also marks the birthday of the late Wesley C. Becker. Wes was born in Rochester, New York, in 1928 and passed away in October of 2000. He earned a BA at Stanford in 1951 and in 1955 received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Statistics. Wes met Zig Engelmann in 1968 and worked closely with Zig and others to develop the Direct Instruction model as well as generate the research that documented the efficacy of the model. He was an amazing person of great integrity and insight. One of his former colleagues, Mark Shinn, has complied a collection of articles by and about Wes, and has kindly given us permission to pass on the link. If you would care to learn more about Wes, go to https://files.secureserver.net/0f4QoFz5wfVQMG

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