
Theory of Instruction: Principles and Applications

Revised edition with updated layout, new introduction from Zig and Doug, and updated subject index. In the book Theory of Instruction: Principles and Applications, Siegfried Engelmann and co-author Douglas Carnine describe the theory underlying the development of Direct Instruction curriculums. En ...Read more
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Revised edition with updated layout, new introduction from Zig and Doug, and updated subject index.

In the book Theory of Instruction: Principles and Applications, Siegfried Engelmann and co-author Douglas Carnine describe the theory underlying the development of Direct Instruction curriculums.

Engelmann and Carnine not only spell out in detail the scientific and logical basis on which their theory is based, but provide a multitude of in-depth descriptions and guidelines for applying this theory to a wide range of curricula.

This book will help the reader understand why the Direct Instruction programs authored by Engelmann and his colleagues have proven uniquely effective with students from all social and economic backgrounds, and how the guidelines based on the theory can be applied to a wide range of instructional challenges, from designing curricula for disadvantaged preschoolers to teaching algebraic concepts to older students.

E-book available here

Authors: Siegfried Engelmann and Douglas Carnine
Copyright: 2016
ISBN: 978-1939851307
Format: Hardback

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