
Conceptual Learning

Conceptual Learning
Siegfried Engelmann knows how to teach things to children and believes that doing so is a most urgent and important undertaking. Engelmann knows, as does every parent, that there are many times in children's lives when they things they need to learn should be taught directly and efficientl ...Read more
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Siegfried Engelmann knows how to teach things to children and believes that doing so is a most urgent and important undertaking. Engelmann knows, as does every parent, that there are many times in children's lives when they things they need to learn should be taught directly and efficiently. Children might eventually discover for themselves, on an incidental learning basis, the rules for crossing streets safely. But we realize that this matter is too critical to be left to children's own learning style and time.

It might come too late or, perhaps, never. Engelmann believes that learning to think, reason, solve problems, and use language effectively is also highly urgent and that it is the business of teachers to efficiently and effectively manipulate the environment so that children are taught these things. 

This monograph is Engelmann’s answer to how a master teacher derives effective teaching procedures. The monograph is not easy reading, nor could it be. This book is an effort to simplify and highlight some of the main steps involved in a teacher's determination of how to teach.

The monograph is organized into three parts. Chapters I–V describe the derivation of concept teaching procedures; Chapter VI presents the teaching of problem solving as an extension of the basic concept teaching procedures presented in the first section; Chapter VII describes the systematic teaching of persistence, positive self-image, acceptable classroom behavior and a liking for school learning.

Author: Siegfried Engelmann
Copyright: 1969; Reprinted 2010
ASIN: B0006C733Y
Format: Paperback

Note: This book is Volume 11 of the Dimensions in Early Learning Series.

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