
Join us Monday, July 27 at 9am Pacific, for the Opening Keynote for the Virtual Direct Instruction Conference. The keynote, delivered by Bill Sower, is titled Reason to Hope, Direct Instruction and the Future of our Fragile World. Part one, Conscientious Blindness, traces the history of policies that have directly or indirectly contributed to the continuing plight of under educated students. Part two, The Medicine Wheel of Educational Solutions, presents viewers with a framework on how we can give students the education they truly deserve.

Presenter Bill Sower has taught and advocated for Direct Instruction for many years as a special education teacher for incarcerated youth, public school teacher and principal, and consultant authorized by the Michigan Department of Education to serve the state's lowest performing schools.

Bill has also pioneered the use of Restorative Practices in Michigan schools.

To sign up for this free session click here.

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