
AnitaArcher AugNNThree hundred educators from around the world gathered at the end of July in Eugene, Oregon for the 48th National Direct Instruction Conference. The opening session included the presentation of the Wayne Carnine Student Improvement Award and a keynote delivered by Anita Archer.

The Carnine Award went to Raymond Minney, a student at David Douglas Arthur Academy in Portland, Oregon. Doug and Linda Carnine read from the nomination letters submitted by Raymond’s Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th-5th grade teachers, and his intervention specialist. When Linda asked Raymond if he had anything to say, he simply said, “Never give up!”

The opening continued with an excellent keynote by Dr. Anita Archer. Anita guided the group through many of her “Archerisms.” These are Anita’s Golden Principles of Explicit Direct Instruction. These include such sage advice as “Avoid the void, for they will fill it.” And “Don’t commit assumicide.”

Click here to view the conference opening. Also, it’s not too early to begin planning to be in Eugene for the 49th National DI Conference, July 24-28, 2023.

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