
Jennifer Weber is a doctoral candidate at Columbia University in Teaching as Applied Behavior Analysis, a program that is part of the Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS). Through NIFDI's fellowship program, Jennifer conducted research on the implementation of Corrective Reading (CR) with students with and without disabilities at a Title I school.

Jennifer tested the effects of Corrective Reading on third through fifth grade students in CABAS classrooms who were identified as reading below proficient according to the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK), Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA), and DIBELS. These classrooms utilize behavioral principles to teach children with and without disabilities. Twenty-five students participated in the Corrective Reading intervention and were matched to 25 counterparts within the school that functioned at similar academic levels.

The study compared the performance of students who received CR as an intervention with the performance of students who received teacher-developed reading lessons. After four months, the students receiving CR outperformed the comparison students as their independent reading level increased one to four levels on the DRA.

Ms. Weber's summary of her findings is forthcoming and will be made available in the research portion of this website.

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