
Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 2.50.10 PMNIFDI Press is proud to announce the latest title: Science and Social Studies in Reading Mastery Signature Edition by Dr. Nancy Woolfson.

Reading instruction consumes a large part of the daily schedule, reducing the amount of time for content area studies. Reading Mastery Signature Edition in grades two through five integrates a wide range of social studies and science concepts and information. Science and Social Studies in Reading Mastery Signature Edition is a powerful tool for teachers, coaches and curriculum directors to have available for planning and integrating subject areas in order to reinforce critical content.

Quickly reference subject areas and topics covered in the highly acclaimed Reading Mastery Signature Edition program. This resource contains:

  • A grade-level index of all science and social studies content covered
  • A list of the lessons where specific scientific terms and concepts are addressed in the program

Science and Social Studies in Reading Mastery Signature Edition facilitates making connections with content material taught in the program and is a must-have addition to the resource library of any teacher using grades 2-5 of the Reading Mastery Signature Edition program!

Order your copy now for only $24.99! You can order through NIFDI's online store or by calling 877.485.1973.

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