
Membership LogoIt's Official! NIFDI launched the Members Only area on our website! 

Members of NIFDI have exclusive access to several print and video resources such as a 5-part video sequence where Zig Engelmann gives us his take on topics such as individual learning styles, the role of rote teaching, individualizing instruction and more. There is also an excellent interview with Jean Osborn and Elaine "Cookie" Bruner on the early days of Direct Instruction development and the Berieter-Engelmann Preschool.

In the Members Only document section, there are several useful forms as well as suggestions for independent work, details on how to implement duet reading, assessment guidelines for students placing in Corrective Readingand other interesting, useful material.

If you are not currently a member of NIFDI, you can fill out and return the Membership Registration form or sign up online.

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