
John McWhorter, a professor at Columbia University, recently presented the keynote speech at the Cato Institute half-day conference on ending poverty. One of the pillars to his solution? Direct Instruction!

McWhorter said there were three things that needed to be done in order to end poverty for African Americans in the United States and touted Direct Instruction as the premier program for teaching all inner city kids how to read as one of those solutions. He also suggested encouraging young Americans to wait to start families until they had established careers and ending the war on drugs as two other meaningful methods.

Watch the video above to see McWhorter's remarks for yourself. Note: John begins his comments on Direct Instruction at 29:30 into the talk and at about 55 minutes, discusses why seemingly no one knows about DI.

See also: pdf John McWhorter on closing the reading achievement gap between white and African American students (article, 2009)

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