

Screen Shot 2014-04-30 at 9.52.22 AMAs tablets, Kindles and e-readers have become more popular in recent years, the demand for previously published titles to be offered in an e-format has increased. NIFDI continues to add titles to our e-book offerings and has just released Zig's 2007 book, Teaching Needy Kids in our Backward System, to available e-book titles.

Through a tapestry of vignettes that start in the 60s and continue through 2006, Professor Engelmann describes the battles he has fought to provide effective instruction for at-risk kids, particularly children of poverty. You'll also enjoy a number of personal stories from Zig throughout.

Don't have a Kindle? Don't worry! You can access any Kindle book via your Mac, PC or tablet, including iPad. Simply download the free Kindle reading app, login to your Amazon.com account and start reading!

$9.99 E-book
$32.00 Print Edition

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