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You can now view/download a PDF that outlines 2012 Connecting Math Concepts: Comprehensive Edition's correlation with the Common Core State Standards!

Find and view this document in 2 easy steps! Here's how:

  1. Go to McGraw-Hill's website.
  2. Click on the program level (currently Levels A, B and C are available) under the “Common Core State Standards” section of the list on the right hand-side of the page.

Help today’s children become productive members of society and become a part of the history of educational reform by supporting research on Direct Instruction (DI) and donating to our Matching Grant Challenge! For every dollar you donate to the National Institute for Direct Instruction’s Research Department, you will help fund research the effectiveness DI on student learning. Current areas of interest to the Research Department includes acquiring critical math skills, overcoming language deficits and supporting at-risk students. Become a part of the solution for helping students succeed and donate today!

For a limited time, your tax-deductible donation
will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1,000!

“The official results are not in but every indication from reforms in three Cape York communities suggests a breakthrough is finally occurring in remote indigenous schooling,” writes Alan Tudge, federal member for Aston and former deputy director of the Cape York Institute.

Mr. Tudge recently visited schools in Cape York, Australia undergoing school reform, including the introduction of Direct Instruction. Tudge notes the overall atmosphere as “revolutionary” compared to just one year ago. He says the schools’ progress is particularly remarkable in that children at Year 9 are often up to six and seven years behind, but following the implementation of reform strategies, attendance is improving and students are attentive and participating in instruction. Mr. Tudge comments that he expects performance on the National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy tests to increase, as well.

To read the full article by Alan Tudge, visit The Australian.

Research on the effectiveness of Direct Instruction (DI) has spanned over 40 years, consistently providing support for the assertion that all children can learn if provided with appropriate instruction. Studies involving Direct Instruction curricula and its implementation have been conducted with a wide variety of populations, in different settings, and within all subject areas related to the programs. This report from the National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) provides citations to many of these studies.

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